We promote to develop our own equipment cooperating with machinery manufacturers.
For the high-quality, high-productivity, and the low-cost, we established “Innovation Line Creative Project” (I.L.C.P) in 2010.
In this project, we aim at making no in-process defect, approaching 100% of the capacity utilization, and achieving a full automation in manufacturing, and we deal with various themes in the sections of forging and machining.
In the section of forging, we keep actualizing to saving spaces and costs of equipments by making formers much smaller than what currently in use and making it possible to run them in smaller spaces.
In the section of manufacturing technology, we raise our productivity year by year by improving processes which aim at minimum man-hours for manufacturing due to high precision and improvement of dies.
We proceed to create a production system for the next generation by reconsidering whole manufacturing processes, which is like introduction of in-line washing process in machining process, which is normally separated.

Improvement of dies

Machining a die

Prototype of washing equipment

Assembling the prototype
【Head Office】
2-1, Takano, Hora-cho, Okazaki-shi,
Aichi-ken, 444-0008, JAPAN